Out of sixty-nine thousand, three hundred and fifty (69,350) schools in the country, two hundred and seven (207) have reported cases of infections and the number of active cases is now two hundred and eighty-two (282).
Despite these cases in Schools, President Nana Akufo-Addo has said Students under the age of eighteen (18) will be vaccinated with COVID-19 Vaccines when an appropriate vaccine, hopefully, is found, or when enough safety data on the present vaccines are available.
Ghanaian schools were closed in March 2020 at a time when the country’s COVID-19 case count was 16.
After prudent management of the virus, the government opened schools partially for final year students in the JHSs and SHSs as well as tertiary institutions to enable them to write their exit exams between June to September last year.
Second-year students in both junior and senior high schools were also made to return to school between October and December last year to complete their academic work. In all instances, few cases of COVID-19 were recorded in some schools which the health authorities handled.
The country’s case count has, however, seen an upsurge in recent times at a time when all levels of schools have resumed.
As of Friday, 26th February 2021, the total number of active cases stood at five thousand, four hundred and forty-four (5,444); our daily infection rate is four hundred (400); and seventy-seven thousand, nine hundred and seventy-two (77,972) recoveries have been recorded.
One hundred and ninety-one (191) more people have sadly passed away, bringing the number of cumulative deaths to six hundred and seven (607) and twenty-four (24) persons are critically ill.
Ghanaian President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in an address Sunday night assured the government had taken steps to ensure the safety of students with the reopening of schools.
Source: Mybrytfmonline.com