Lower Manya Krobo municipality is still the hottest spot as far as coronavirus cases are concerned in the Eastern Region.
The municipality has recorded 70 out of 95 confirmed cases in the region representing 73.7% of the total confirmed cases as of May 5, 2020.
Asogyaman District follows with 12 confirmed cases constituting 12.6%.
Fanteakwa North has also recorded 6 cases of Covid-19 which is 6.3%.
Akuapem North has recorded 3 cases, while West Akyem and Birim Central have recorded a case each.
Males constitute the highest proportion of sex distribution of persons infected with Coronavirus in the Eastern region.
Out of the total 95 confirmed cases, 89% are Males while Females constitute 11%.
Eastern Region recorded one new confirmed case of coronavirus on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, increasing the regional tally marginally to 95.
Two of the confirmed cases have however recovered.
Source: Mybrytfmonline/Obed Ansah