The late Madam Grace Coleman, a deputy finance minister under the Kufuor-led administration had a daughter who lived with her husband in America.
This daughter gave birth and wanted a family member to help with homecare of the baby so a family documentation was prepared for her to United States.
And when the time was due for this family member to come back home, she went and wickedly lied to the police that the lady who invited her had kept her in slavery.
As a result, her benefactor, together with the husband was arrested, charged, trialed and jailed for 5years and 6minths respectively. And having served her full sentence, the lady was deported to Ghana and she died. The husband also died years later after being deported.
And while the case was being trialed, Madam Grace Coleman got entangled in the matter, which resulted in losing her job as minister of State, and later died of stress-related illnesses.
So, a family member’s desire to assist a family member who had no hope for the future, resulted in imprisonment of herself and husband, and ultimately, her death, deaths of both her husband and mother.
Additionally, this family member lied that, due to Madam Grace Coleman’s position as minister, she’ll be harmed if she was deported. So, the US government offered her a permanent residence as a refugee. Indeed, this family member decided to place personal aggrandizement ahead of that of generality of the family’s.
She, therefore, was consumed with well-being of herself, husband and children, and damned everyone, including her very benefactor that lifted her out of life of total hopelessness by paying her way to America.
But as KARMA will have it: today, this family member and her husband are both blind in America. The husband, additionally, is stricken with massive stroke and completely bedridden, with nobody to take care of both of them.
Whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house ~ Proverbs 17:13