The Executive Director of Bureau of Public Safety, Nana Yaw Akwada has said Ghana needs policymakers and politicians to take mediate action on road accident to help the country to reduce the rapid growth of road accidents.
According to him, Ghana has lost 2000 souls in 2019 on road accident yet Ghana is unable to put measures in place to reduce such incidents.
“It is time for Ghana to abolish ‘one go, one comes’ roads due to the high fatal accidents on roads hence Ghana needs to tackle these issues by engineering,” he added.
He said Prayer alone cannot help in a situation of safety and protection but the government should rather put measures in place first.
“One of the key elements to reduce road accidents is the enforcement of rules and regulation on our roads,” he stated.
Ghana should learn from developmental countries in terms of how they construct roads.
Speaking to Abena Pokua Ahwenee on Dadi FM, he said Ghanaians should learn how to demonstrate a passion to their neighbours in terms of disaster.
Ghanaians should show mercy on their fellow citizen and failure to do so shall hold accountable.
Source: Mybrytfmonline/Nartey Solomon.