Financial Crime (money laundering related activities) is on the increased, and it’s important for Ghanaian businesses, media houses, and private individuals to take personal due diligence, online transactional compliance, and business-financial background checks, a bit more seriously, to help avoid the criminal spider webs.
Being properly educated on specific topics, especially in the area of international and cross-border transactions crime is also key. Knowledge can also be acquired into processes of dealing professionally with unknown people or customers (physically or online), and that can greatly help to both prevent and avert financial crime, particularly those crimes which are busilly being committed online.
Mostly, online investment service providers are expected to meet regulatory requirements within operational jurisdictions, and to make same known to their customers. Customers on the other hand also have the responsibility to carry out personal due diligence exercises before signing on.
Once a vulnerability is spotted, it can be exploited with huge repercussions for victims at the least instance.
Let’s be mindful, and watchful, the global and regional business terrains are becoming more slippery and treacherously devastating.
Young people who have made social media platforms an arena for exploring opportunities, and for plying and plowing their trades, would have to be watchfully conscious.
By Richard Kumadoe
Fraud Preventions Expert and Security Consultant. Kumadoe