Democracy is on the declined in Africa, predominantly in West Africa, due to a larger amounts of undemocratic actions taken by many of the African leaders who have been democratically elected into political offices.
Political governance is a major challenge, and political fraud has taken a center stage, and fueling the underpinning factors, which are responsible for the declining nature of democracy in Africa.
Democractic leaders across Africa must apply themselves to governance best practices, improve the political processes, particularly, those essential elements, and procedures involved in national elections.
Once political governance is enhanced, political party internal leaderships choices are properly streamlined to meet purpose, the fundamental pillars on whose shoulders lay the balls of quality leadership, democracy, and good governance would not just be refined, but, it would be progressively strengthened to withstand the shocks of political derailment.
I wish all Democractic, and all other African Leaders well, and pray for more wisdom for them to govern, and lead their nations into freedom.
Richard Kumadoe
Student of Africa Politics, and Geopolitical Dynamics
(Globally known as Fraud Preventions Expert and Security Consultant).