As a part of strategic ways to extend coverage of mobile telephone services to all areas in the country, the Minister for Communications and Digitalization (MoCD), Hon. Ursula Owusu Ekuful has commissioned rural telephony projects in some rural areas in the Eastern region.
The Minister stated that the government through the Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications (GIFEC) is constructing two hundred and sixteen (2016) rural telephony sites across the country, of which the Eastern region have ninety (90).
She disclosed that out of the ninety, fifty-five (55) sites are currently active at the various communities in the region.
Hon. Ursula Owusu continued that the government through GIFEC is working hard to activate the remaining sites to extend network connectivity in rural areas.
Speaking to the media, Hon. Ursula Owusu explained that underserved and unserved communities will benefit from the telephony projects.
She stated that the project connects rural communities in Ghana with populations below 1,000, with voice and data services.
Hon. Ursula Owusu added that the telephony projects will motivate telecommunication operators to extend their services into locations of less commercial viability.

Hon. Ursula Owusu commissioned a rural telephony site in the Mofram and Twumwusu community in the Eastern region. Nartey