The Eastern Regional Health Directorate is appealing for support from Corporate Ghana to help the Directorate establish a COVID-19 Treatment Center in the Eastern Regional Hospital.
This would be the only facility in the Region where persons infected with the disease would be treated.
The Health Directorate is also Training health workers in the region in batches to build their capacity for effective case management.
Inadequate Personal Protective Equipment(PPEs) remains a challenge in the region.
“Limited quantities of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are being distributed by the Regional Medical Stores to health facilities as and when they become available from Headquarters. We are imploring individuals and groups, co-operate bodies, etc to support this fight against COVID-19 by donating in cash or kind such as PPEs, ventilators, beds, mattresses, infusion pumps, fuel, sanitizers, etc to the Regional Health Directorate to support the work our teams are doing across the region and also to support the setting up of a 100-bed COVID-19 Treatment Centre in the Region” A statement issued Thursday, April 9, 2020, by the Eastern Regional Health Director, Dr, Mrs. Alberta Adjabeng Biritwum Nyarko stated.
Currently, the region has one (1) confirmed COVID-19 recorded in Lower Manya Krobo Municipality. The Patient is an Indian Expatriate working with AFCON Construction, the company undertaking Tema to Akosombo Railway Project. The case was confirmed on 31st March 2020. The patient is in stable condition and responding to treatment.
He is being managed successfully at home under strict isolation. Meanwhile, the region has sent a total of 373 samples to Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research for testing.
The Regional Health Directorate acknowledges support being provided by Municipal and District Chief Executives as well as Members of Parliament “Many districts have received donations of various logistics from their Hon MDCEs and Hon MPs, as well as other benevolent organizations and these, have been helpful. Communication materials are also being distributed to all health facilities across the region including private facilities.”
Source: Mybrytfmonline/Obed Ansah