Reports from the Bureau of National Investigations, usually, to the least of it, will be stamped or marked with Restricted or Confidential, aside the operational daily-activity reports, so whoever leaked the report in circulation into the public domain, has not help the BNI (in terms of outlook and professional standings).
Political parties should be encouraged to use private agents for political surveys, and refrain from politicising the national secret service; that may/will be detrimental, and distract the performance of core functions, which among many, may include the survivability of the state, and national sovereignty protective objectives.
The report, and the manner its being used in the media space, may succeed achieving the objectives of a negative propaganda against the other members in the vice presidential candidate race, but may also create a nation-wide intelligence gathering, and monitoring issues for the Bureau.
Confidentiality, documentary security and safety would have to be prioritised above all others, at all times, to ensure, Intelligence-operational security is not jeopardised.
Tsuaa Nye Omanye Aba. Kumadoe