Okere District Education Directorate Awards has reached hinterland communities as Seventy four (74) teachers have received awards from Primary, JHS and SHS levels.
The Award prizes ranges from 10kg washing machines, digital satelite TVs, Table top freezers and solar lamps.
Twenty out of fifty four teachers went through rigorous formation criteria which Mr Eric Kwadwo Darko, head of languages Department with 22years teaching experience at Nifa SHS emerged as the overall best teacher for the 2024 Best Teachers Awards.
He received citation and 10kg wash machine as his prize.
On the hinterland community teachers category, fifty four male and female were awarded including Miss Naomi Nartey, KG, Felix Ohemeng, primary education and Annan Sarah from JHS Education.

The teachers comes from hard to reach communities like Kyekyeku, Nkyenoa and others also received table freezers, digital satellite TVs and solar panel lamps respectively.
Speaking the event, Mr Ntow Jonathan, Eastern Regional Cultural Coordinator, GES on behalf of the Regional Director of Education congratulated all teachers most especially the awardees for their individual efforts to ensure well being of their pupils and students.
He also praised award winners for ensurinh quality education and impacting knowledge and discipline into their pupils.
He said, one can only do so when he or she is self discipline and committed for others to fly higher on their educational ladder.
Mr Ntow Jonathan further stated that GES is poised to ensure quality education at all levels, so therefore, teachers who are determined to go alongside with the system would be motivated at all times.
He further stressed that GES is aware of the challenges teachers face in such hinterlands but urged them to accept it in good faith because GES will continue to motivate hard working teachers in such areas of workplaces.
He said “every chosen career has its own merits and demerits but their profession as a teacher their role is to be self discipline and impact knowledge driven onto school going children because you are stewards and role models the children are looking up to”.

The District Director of Education, Agnes Aban (Ms) on behalf of the managing and staff of the okere education directorate seized the occasion to honor Hon. Dan kwaku Botwe, the MP for Okere Constituency and who double as Minister of local Government with citation for his charitable heart and his love for education.
The Director stated “you have continously over decades ago honourable Dan Botwe has pumped in huge resources into running of education in the okere district and I am so grateful and overwhelmed.
Hon. Dan kwaku Botwe in response thanked the okere district education directorate for acknowledging him of what his support and other contributions he does towards education in the district.
He stated that a session of the public may assume he does so for votes purposes but emphasized that his father started it long ago and he personally love to ensure children get good foundation of education and that he is proud of supporting it.
He added “Okere district needs more interletuals in the likes of Professor Adusei, Mr Akoako and Mr Seth Kumi and other renowned celebrities and sports men and women.

Source:Mybrytfmonline.com/Nana Kwame George