Nana Akufo-Addo, the president of the Republic of Ghana has expressed sorrow over the deaths of Dr. Harry Owusu Boateng, a pediatrician at the SDA Hospital in Kwadaso, Kumasi, and Sophia Addo, a nurse with the Ghana Manganese Company Hospital in Tarkwa, who both died in the line of duty in the fight against COVID -19.
Ghana currently has twenty-four (24) persons severely ill, six (6) persons critically ill, with four (4) persons on ventilators. Eighty-five (85) persons have, regrettably, died.
President Akufo-Addo has however urged the media to continue the positive work of public education they have been engaged in, especially, now, as restrictions are being systematically erased.
He reminded all Ghanaians, once again, that the wearing of masks is mandatory and Leaving homes without a face mask, a face covering, or a face shield on is an offense.” The Police will conduct random checks in the enforcement of this directive. If you are arrested by the police defying this directive, your sanction could be severe. So, please, let us, at all times, wear our masks. I appeal to every one of you to take this as a personal challenge, and help rid Ghana of the virus.”
“Even though, we now have a better understanding of the dynamism of the virus in our country; even though the majority of people who contract the virus do not show any symptoms at all; and even though Ghanaians are not dying in the hundreds and thousands that were originally anticipated, we cannot afford to be complacent, and let our guard down. Let us remain focused, and adhere to the enhanced hygiene, social distancing, and mask-wearing protocols, that have, and must, become part and parcel of our daily lives for the foreseeable future. We can do it if we work at it.”
Source: Mybrytfmonline/Kofi Atakora