Felix Kwakye Ofosu, a former deputy minister of information, wonders what sort of speech Vice resident Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia will deliver to the NPP delegates as part of his bid to be chosen as flagbearer.
As the leader of the Economic Management Team (EMT), the Vice President, in the opinion of Kwakye Ofosu has put the people through tremendous economic suffering and will not have any encouraging words for them.
He was making remarks on the NPP’s just ended super delegates conference which was held last Saturday, August 26.
Dr. Bawumia, the vice president, received 629 votes, or 68.15% of the total. Kennedy Agyapong and Alan Kyerematen received 132 and 95 votes, respectively, for 14.3% and 10.29% of the total.
With 9 votes apiece, Francis Addai-Nimoh and Mr. Boakye Agyarko were forced into a run-off to decide who would finish fifth.
In a tweet, Kwakye Ofosu said, “Whichever way you look at it, Bawumia has been a catastrophic failure at the one job he had as head of the managing the economy. Exactly what is he going to tell the electorate, who he has plunged into hardships and suffering through hopeless incompetence?
“As of the Head of the EMT,over 30 different taxes have been introduced since 2017 with more on the way.He told lies in opposition while grinning from ear to ear. Now those lies have left him totally discredited.”
Source:Mybrytfmonline.com/Joseph Asare