Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia Friday launched the “One Teacher, One Laptop” initiative to facilitate lesson planning, teaching, and learning outcomes in the country.
Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia stated that Ghana would not be left behind in the fourth industrial revolution era and will leverage ICT tools to accelerate socio-economic development.
During the launch of the “One Teacher, One Laptop” program at the Saint Mary’s Senior High School in the Greater Accra region, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia averred that every teacher in the public school from kindergarten to the senior high level will receive a computer laptop each.
A total of 71 teachers at the School received a laptop each at Saint Mary’s Senior High School
He said that the government will pay 70 percent of the cost of the laptop, while each teacher pays the remaining 30 percent.
The initiative will benefit all stakeholders in the education sector, including teacher unions, directors of education, and managers of educational institutions, teachers, and students.
Vice President Bawumia said the initiative was at the heart of the President to improve teaching and learning performances towards attaining the Sustainable Development Goal Four.
He said teachers were indispensable to building the human capacity of the nation and the government was committed to providing the requisite ICT tools and infrastructure to achieve education transformation and socio-economic development.
Source: Nartey