This inconsistency of some well-respected Pastors is what freaks me out about how the Gospel is communicated sometimes, it is as if they deliberately just either like to confuse the Brethren or just play on our intelligence.
All along when some of us have been enjoying Cyber Church and Online Fellowshipping and in fact-finding it even more exciting for our lives, you are always making us feel it is either not right or inadequate but rather that we must come PHYSICALLY into the physical building called Church. And you have Scriptures to justify it; scriptures like, “…do not forsake the assembly of the brethren…where two or three are gathered in my name there I am in their midst…etc” and you make it clear that coming together physically creates an atmosphere for corporate anointing, and so many other justifications.
Fine, no problem we heard, and then agreed with you and started coming physically to physical Church.
Now, there is a lockdown on Churches, we can’t all physically meet to create that corporate atmosphere because Virus may also be there in our midst. Then suddenly you have a whole new set of justifications as to why Online Church Services and Cyber Church is super fantastic, then you tell us that in the Realms of the Spirit there is no distance and so Connecting online is exactly same and in fact in some cases even more powerful since there are no barriers?

Then you say those who have always come late to church sit in the overflow outside and watch Screens anyway so now it is the same as watching the screen at the comfort of their home?
Why is it that, when the Situation is facing the South there is an excellent explanation to justify it, then when it suddenly turns North there is a whole new perfect answer for it too?
Why are some of you guys like this?
Please be consistent! Some of us your brethren in your churches have faith, we are following and we are loyal, but we also have powerful brains that work too – that can think through things when they don’t add up – it makes us feel sometimes you are just being smart and not spiritual.
I know you will say I am shaking tables, its ok if it breaks, so we can build a stronger, genuine and consistent one.
Source: BigGodwin Martey