A female teacher has allegedly committed suicide at Assin Foso in the Assin Central Municipality in the Central Region.
The deceased, Catherine Ansah, 27 years of age is said to be a newly posted teacher teaching at Mankessim Nkwanta but visited her sisters and grandmother at Assin Foso.
Grandmother of the deceased, Madam Mary Pamfors, said the now deceased teacher was absent in the house in the morning which was unusual of her therefore they were curious.
The family started calling her mobile phone number but all the calls went unanswered.
She said they began to search for her whereabouts. The family decided to break into one of the rooms which were locked in the house only to find the teacher hanging dead in a nylon sponge.
“This morning, we didn’t see her and we kept calling but she was not answering. So we became suspicious and when we entered her room, we found her dead,” a relative told Bryt News Central Regional Correspondent Eric Amponsah.
The cause of her action is unknown as she left no note behind.
The body was retrieved and taken to the St. Francis Xavier Hospital morgue in Assin Foso for autopsy and preservation while police conclude their investigation on the incident.
Source: Mybrytfmoline.com/Obed Ansah