Some celebrities in Ghana have expressed mixed reactions as the President, His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo lifted the partial lockdown he placed on the nation’s capital, Accra and Kumasi.
According to the president, the modest successes chalked at containing the spread of the virus in both in Accra and Kumasi have had a severe impact on the poor and vulnerable, and for that matter lifted the three – week restriction on movements which takes effect from Monday, 20 April 2020.
This call from the president has made some celebrities express their worry on various social media platforms which clearly show their astonishment as they thought, as the country has recorded over a thousand cases it was about time the president extends the lockdown but not lift it.
Celebrities like Efia Odo, Yvonne Nelson, Lydia Forson and many others who seemed unhappy took to twitter to express their thoughts.
Source: Mybrytfmonline/Joseph Asare