The 2021 best herbal and Spiritual Clinic doctor, Dr Samuel Amagashie, has cautioned the NPP government led by Nana Akufo-Addo and the Health Ministry led by Kwaku Agyeman Manu to reveal the secret behind the COVID-19 vaccination to the general public.
According to him, the covid -19 vaccine is impractical so he will never be in support of it no matter the pressure.
Speaking with the media, he indicated that he does not see the need for the vaccination as Ghanaians are already observing the safety protocols laid down by Government.
The traditional Healer expressed worry that herbalists have been snubbed in the fight against COVID-19 as their input is never requested for as far as the fight against the pandemic is concerned.
According to Dr Samuel Amagashie, traditional medicine is the best choice in the fight against Covid-19.
“Throughout history, traditional medicine has been a source of medical treatment for diseases such as malaria. The contribution of traditional medicine in the management of Covid-19 may complement healthcare prevention and medical care services” he stressed.
He, therefore, Ghanaians advised Ghanaians to re-address our old ways of healing, which is the use of herbal medicine and cherish it wholeheartedly.
Source: Nyarko Abronoma