Teachers at Onyanfunso M/A Basic School in West Akim Municipality in the Eastern Region write on tables for pupils due to inadequate boards.
The teacher’s turn tables of KG pupils to write on them for the pupils to read and write.
The school, constructed in 1962 with mud by the community has never seen any major renovation, thereby deteriorating to near collapse.
It however school serves five farming communities; Parkeso, Adeiso, Aduasenso No1 and Aduansenso No.2, and Onyanfunso.

Parents in Onyanfunso and other surrounding communities are therefore withdrawing their children from the school due to the perilous condition.
The mud classroom blocks are near collapse with tattered and ripped-off roofs
Even though the classes start from kindergarten to class six, the classrooms are only three, therefore, classes are merged while those in the lower primary study in an Apostolic Church building.
Ansah adds that academic work is disrupted whenever it rains.

The perilous state of the school building is discouraging parents from enrolling their children in the school while others have withdrawn their kids for fear that the school building will collapse on them. This has reduced the population of the school from 139 in 2020 to 62 currently.
Nana Millicent Boadu, Queen-mother in the community said parents are scared to send their children to the school.
The Head teacher of the school Dzamasi Thomas said teaching and learning are always disrupted with fears that the rainy season will impede academics due to the condition of the school.
He expressed fear the school may collapse if the situation remains the same.

The Chairman of the School’s Management Committee Alex Takyi expressed worry over the government’s neglect of the school. He appealed to NGOs and philanthropists to come to their aid.
For the assembly member of the area Alex Oppong, the West Akyem Assembly, and the Ghana Education Service have not responded to their numerous letters for support.
Source: Mybrytfmonline.com/Obed Ansah