The Eastern Regional Security Council (REGSEC) and Officials of the Regional Health Directorate are expected to meet Monday, April 13, 2020, on ways to contain the spread of COVID-19 in the region.
Among the key issues to be discussed is the effectiveness of measures being rolled out to contain the spread of the disease and analyze suggestions of possible lockdown to informed recommendation to President Akufo-Addo.
There have been calls for a lockdown of the region following a spike of coronavirus cases.
The Eastern Regional Minister Eric Kwakye Darfour has said, calls for lockdown are premature but further analysis of the situation today will help informed REGSEC to finalize a decision on it.
Coronavirus cases in the Eastern Region have increased from 25 confirmed cases to 32 in less than 24 hours of the last count.
This makes the region third highest after Greater Accra and Ashanti Regions which have recorded 452 and 49 cases respectively.
Apart from Fanteakwa District which has recorded one positive case, most of the cases recorded in the Eastern Region are from among 244 railway construction workers in Lower Manya Krobo being tested after an Indian expatriate was tested positive for the disease on March 31, 2020.
Ghana Health Service, as of April 11, 2020, 11:00pm, a total of 37,954 persons have been tested with 566 being positive for COVID-19. The breakdown of the 566 positive cases are as follows: four (4) have been treated, discharged and tested negative, 552 cases have been categorized as mild disease on treatment, two (2) moderate to severe cases, none currently on ventilators and eight (8) have died.

Of the 566 confirmed COVID-19 cases, 292 were reported from the routine surveillance, 159 from enhanced surveillance activities and 115 from travelers under mandatory quarantine in both Accra and Tamale.
Regions that have reported cases are Greater Accra, Ashanti, Central, Eastern, Western, Volta, Northern, North East, Upper East, and Upper West.
The cases were detected over the past thirteen (13) days (since the introduction of the enhanced surveillance), several measures have been introduced to control and prevent further spread of COVID-19 in Ghana. Among these include restrictive movement in the hotspots of the outbreak, intensive contact tracing and laboratory testing, social distancing, and intensive public education. These measures have resulted in a sudden increase in case detection, with a high number of cases being reported.
Source: Mybrytfmonline/Obed Ansah