Ken Ofori-Atta, Minister of Finance, has warned the media to be cautious and disseminate accurate information about the current economic crisis and the government’s debt exchange program in order to avoid creating unnecessary panic among investors.
Speaking during the opening of Ghana’s Domestic Debt Exchange on December 5, 2022, Mr. Ofori- Atta stated that the public will require accurate information from the media because the government will rely on for education.
“This debt exchange provides an orderly way to put our economy back on track. These efforts will be complemented by fiscal measures to protect the neediest and most vulnerable in society. The Government expects overwhelming support for this exchange.
“And in truth, the success of this necessary endeavor depends, of course, upon the public’s cooperation. That will also mean the media being helpful in disseminating the right information to economic actors. We are all in this together and we intend to get out of this together,”Mr. Ofori-Atta said.
Mr Ofori-Atta added that with the help of the media and the support of Ghanaians, he is confident the country will overcome these current challenges and emerge with a much more resilient and robust economy.
“We have overcome various challenges in the past. We are a resilient society…together we can beat this,”
Mr Ofori-Atta also reiterated that there will be no “haircut” on the principal of bonds and that individuals with government bonds will have their full investments on maturity.