Felix Kwakye Ofosu, the aide to former President John Mahama, has justified Mahama’s ‘Do or Die’ comment saying the statement from the ex-president isn’t about violence.
According to Mr. Kwakye, Mahama’s comment isn’t harmful as people see it stating that Mr. Mahama isn’t a violent man as he has no bad record undermining the peace in this country.
“There is nothing in this man’s record that suggests that he will do anything at all to undermine the peace and security of the Republic of Ghana,” Mr. Ofosu said on Eyewitness News.
He instead said the comments were only to indicate how vigilant the National Democratic Congress will be during the 2024 election.
“President Mahama has made it clear that in 2024, we in the NDC are going to exercise a state of preparedness and heightened vigilance to ensure that every ballot that is cast in our favor is counted in our favor.”
Mr. Ofosu said the Akufo-Addo administration was rather prone to violent tactics.
In making his point, he cited the Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election as an example of state-sponsored violence.
“This is a government that has a mindset of violence and terrorism to the extent that it helps them win elections and therefore we in the NDC are left with no choice but to put out a heightened sense of vigilance on Election Day to protect our interest,” he averred.
Source: Mybrytfmonline/Joseph Asare