Heath minister Kwabena Mintah Akandoh has address to parliament on illegal opioids on the Ghanaian market.
Mr. Akandoh emphasised that the increasing infiltration of the these dubstance was a matter of grave public health and national security concern.
The minister added, “the Opioid Crisis is not just a health issue but a national emergency. We need a coordinated and sustained response from all relevant sectors and the public at large”.
He again revealed that the Ghana Food and Drugs Authority, FDA had confirmed the presence of unregistered tramodol brands illegally trading in our local market.
He made mention of trafano, taralpamol and tramaking, which had entered the county through unapproved routes.
He, however, called for urgent action from all stakeholders in ensuring such drugs are rid off the Ghanaian market, considering the effects of citizens.
Ghana over the years has had many youth engaging in usage of illegal drugs, a matter of concern that needs holistic approach in dealing with the issue.
Source:Mybrytfmonline.com/Emmanuel Anyigba, Parliamentary correspondent