Audrey Sandra Arkoh, HIV/AIDs Focal Person at the New Juaben South Municipal Health Directorate has revealed the practice of homosexuality is increasing HIV/ AIDs cases globally.
According her, people who are involved in gay and lesbianism transmit the virus through contact with infected blood, semen or vaginal fluids.
Speaking to Okley Kofi Solomon on Bryt fm ‘Me Nkwa’ health talk show, the health expert stated there is no cure for AIDS, but strict adherence to antiretroviral regimens (ARVs) can dramatically slow the infection of the disease.
She said accidents are a risk factor of getting the virus and advised the public against coming in contact with injured persons to avoid been victims of the deadly virus.
She, however, cautioned Ghanaians to desist from stigmatizing AIDs patients as it put them into shame and sometimes leads to blind infections.
In 2021, HIV prevalence was highest in the Eastern Region of Ghana with the northern region recording the lowest.
Source: Nartey