Disqualified presidential aspirant Kofi Koranteng says he has the best of policies to take over the motherland Ghana, but he was sabotaged and disqualified without any basis.
According to him, he wonders why Ghanaians hold on to the NPP government while there are strange deplorable roads and a flood situation that has persisted for some years.
Speaking on Accra based radio-station, Mr Koranteng averred that his vision is to rebuild the nation, revitalize the flame of independence, nourishing the ideas, hopes and dreams of the youth who look forward to the same sustainable standard of living enjoyed by youth in other nations but Ghanaians have snubbed him and rather shouting for Akufo-Addo.
He indicated that God has given him the brain to make sound decisions for the country’s development but the people’s failure to vote for a third force and kick NPP and NDC out is the problem.
“Ghana progressing is retarding, people are suffering as a cause of the NDC and the NPP, yet we have people who support this incompetent administration,” he said.
Mr Koranteng added that he will be very happy if Ghanaians kicked out the two inept trending party’s NDC and NPP because they lack what it takes to transform the country.
Source: Mybrytfmonline/Abba Kwegyirba Aggrey