In a bid to start the running of a National Catholic Television Station, Lumen Christi Catholic Media Limited under the auspices of the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference (GCBC) on Thursday 31st March 2022 held the Diocesan lunch of the Lumen Christi TV Project (LC TV) and town hall meeting at St. Bakhita Parish Hall in Koforidua of the Eastern Region.
Lumen Christi TV is a National Catholic TV Project being spearheaded by the National Catholic Laity Council.
The theme for the program was “Living the authentic Christian Social Teaching through Mass Media Evangelization”.
Lumen Christi Catholic Media Limited is a media company limited by shares and owned by the Catholic Church of Ghana to run Lumen Christi (LC) TV.
Mrs. Elizabeth Sasu, chairperson of the Diocesan Laity Council giving the keynote address recounted the many efforts and the progress made by the Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference (GCBC) and the Catholic Church in Ghana to attain a frequency to operate a TV station in the country, following the prohibition of Religious bodies to owe such media according to the directives given by the ministry of information in 1993.
She reiterates that in July 1990, the Laity were advised to take up this challenge as a cooperate entity to apply for a frequency, which was taken up by the Knight of Marshall and the St. John International. Attempts and initiatives have been made from that time by various Bishops and dioceses to operate which gave rise to Catholic Digest but it came with its challenge.
According to Mrs. Elizabeth, the Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference (GCBC) at a plenary session in Accra, May 20th, 2020 approved this aged long discussion for action and reached that the Laity be joined owners of the project.
She said this decision was to close the chapter on economically subdue broadcasting service that is dubbed, “The Catholic Digest” on GTV and Crystal TV Channel.

She added that this new broadcast will bring the rich and diverse program content to serve as a basis for sponsorship and ownership of Lumen Christi TV to be operated by Lumen Christi Catholic Media Limited.
Mrs. Elizabeth Sasu, outdoored the mission, values, and principles, and owners of the Lumen Christi TV (LC TV) to the gathering.
He also touched on funding plans and the required amount of 1 million dollars needed to commence the test transmission.
She addressed the gathering on broadcast and transmission plan to be comprehended by other Social Media handles, which will be beneficial to 19 plus one Dioceses in the country.
Mrs. Elizabeth Sasu, therefore, urged all to support this project especially financially to sustain the said project.
Speaking to Mr. Joseph Konla Kudjodji, a representative of the National Implementation Committee, Lumen Christi TV, revealed that, the TV has its head office in Accra and will have 20 bureaus in all the Dioceses and a Vicariate under their respective Diocesan Departments of Social Communications (DEPSOCOM) to reflect its national character and be managed by a team of media professionals to be recruited by the Board of Directors.
He added that the Broadcast and Transmission of the LC TV will be done via digital terrestrial and satellite transmission. This will provide coverage into the 19 Dioceses and a Vicariate whilst satellite broadcast will give coverage all over Africa.
He said that LC TV has the mandate to deliver fascinating television programs and content that informs, entertains, educates, and evangelizes to a global audience.
Bishop, Most Rev. Joseph Afrifah-Agyekum on his part, said that one way of applying the incarnation is Evangelization and this can be done through this media. He, therefore, urged all to help contribute to supporting Lumen Christi TV (LC TV).
Source: Mybrytnewsroom/Evans Boateng