Pentecost Preparatory School in Koforidua the Eastern Regional Capital in partnership with Compass Educational Institute has inaugurated “Virtual Classroom Project “to provide real-time teaching and learning to pupils in their homes as schools remain closed over coronavirus pandemic across the country.
Classrooms from Nursery to Junior High School have therefore been digitized for the exercise.
The digitized classrooms enable instructors to teach, and pupils learn in real-time, face to face but via the internet-connected tablets installed with the software, and distributed to the pupils at a moderate cost.
The platform allows brainstorming, ideation, question, and answers as well as discussions to happen in real-time. It allows instructors to give classwork, test, and homework pre and post every lesson.

Present at the launching were Koforidua Area Head of The Church of Pentecost – Apostle S. O. Asante, Effiduase Area Head Apostle D.Y Nsaful, PENTSOS Director-Elder Richard Amaning, and some Pastors and their Wives.
Also present were Headmaster of PPS -Elder Gabriel Narh Amiteye, PTA executives and some parents as well as a Team from Compas Educational Institute headed by Stephen Denkyi an Old Student based in the US who is CEO of the Company.
The Chief Executive Officer of Compass Educational Institute, Stephen Denkyi, said the Virtual Classroom platform would ensure academic exercise resumes without the physical presence of pupils. He said Teachers have been adequately trained on the use of the program.

”it is a classroom set up that we have here. What happens is that teachers come to the school to make use of the various laptops we have positioned in the entire Classroom. If a teacher sits behind the laptop, he opens the Classrooms then students join in from their homes then the teachers teach as they do in normal classrooms. We have other peripherals together to give it that classroom feeling so teachers can write so everything happens in real-time. All classes are recorded and send to the students after classes so students that missed out would be able to revisit everything that happened in the class”.
Source: Mybrytfmonline/Obed Ansah