Private Legal Practitioner, Lawyer Morris Ampaw has urged husbands to control their wife’s and also to monitor their movement in order to desist them from indulging in social vices.
According to him, nothing on this earth satisfy women and with that, they can be trouble and disgrace to their husband if they failed to check on them (wife).
Speaking on Accra Based-radio station, Lawyer Morris Ampaw highlighted that some men perform their responsibility as a man by providing their wife just house-keeping money and many other things yet, their wife still cheats on them due to one or two possessions their husband’s do not have.
“Husbands should cease their wife’s from unnecessary visiting including friends and Pastors because some Pastors are womanizers and they call for either married or unmarried women to their houses for cooking, washing, cleaning and among others where they take that opportunity to have affair with people’s wife,” he said.
Lawyer Morris Ampaw then advises men particularly married men to protect and be attentive to their wife in order not to adopt such behaviour.
Source: Mybrytfmonline/Abba Kwegyirba Aggrey