Asankragwa District Police Command has arraigned Mr. Stephen Baidoo at Asankragwa District Magistrate Court for alleged defilement and Incest which is contrary to section 101 sub-sections of the criminal act and other offenses Act.
The brief fact of the case as read by the Prosecutor Detective Chief Inspector Appiah Bimpong indicates that Mr. Stephen Baidoo, who is a driver at Wassa Asankragwa in the Amenfi-West Municipality of the Western Region on February 26, 2022, saw the victim (name withheld) on her way to fetch water.
The accused person Stephen Baidoo knowing that the victim is the daughter of his girlfriend called Priscilla to come for money and used it for transportation, but unfortunately for the victim, the accused person pounced on her and had sexual intercourse with her.
The victim knowing this not being the first time, informed her biological father who is no longer with her mother.
A formal complaint was lodged at Asankragwa District Police Command of which the police arrested the accused person Stephen Baidoo.
In an interview with Kwame Kontor Boateng Lord FM, the Asankragwa Divisional Police Commander, Chief Superintendent Nana Kumi, confirmed the incident.
He stated that the District Court does not have jurisdiction to continue such cases so the accused person has been remanded in police custody to be put before Tarkwa Circuit Court for trial.
Source: Kuntor Boateng/Lord FM