Private Legal Practitioner, Maurice Ampaw has expressed a strong opinion on the fact that sex decreases the stress that builds up in a person and helps build up one’s confidence.
According to him, sex does not let a person grow old especially married couples and those above age sixteen.
“Sex is very important and beneficial without it there is no life. Man will not be happy in life without sex” he said in an interview on Wontumi TV.
Saying that sex should not be disclosed to anyone, since it is a very sensitive and for that reason it is done in a serene environment.
Adding that everyone has the capacity to have sex but since it is a serious business a person needs to get licensed in law before going into it.
Meanwhile, he said, the right age for a person to get involved in any sexual activity is 16 years and above but the person can never marry for a good reason.
“The license is given to you by law and capacity is giving to you by age,” he told the host.
Source: Mybrytfmonline/Pechi-Anim Alnice Padikie