The campaign team of Mr Alan Kyerematen has accused Vice-President Mahamudu Bawumia of embarking on a veiled campaign tour of the Northern Region under the guise of an official one, through which he is telling the delegates of the governing New Patriotic Party to vote for him as the next flagbearer since the party has used him for “dirty jobs” that its Akan members would not do but push the northerners to do.
“He has told the delegates that he has been used by the party to do the ‘Dirty Job’ of the party, which the Akans would not do, but push the Northerners to do”, Mr Moses Chebere, the Director of Administration of the northern arm of the Alan Campaign Team, told journalists at a press conference on Thursday, 6 October 2022.
“In other words, the vice president is deliberately whipping up hatred for the Akans and other non-Northern tribes in the party”.
“In fact, the vice president is on a tour to play on the emotions and sensibilities of the delegates, using Tribal Bigotry, Regional and Religious sentiments to drive home his campaign message, which is aimed at winning the sympathy of the Northern delegates to vote for him in the upcoming internal exercise to choose a flagbearer who would lead the party in the 2024 General Elections”, the Alan team noted.
Source: Nyarko Abronoma