The Asamankese Divisional Police Commander, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Mr. Akwasi Kankam Boadu has said they are on grounds ensuring that people in the area abide by restriction orders from the president to fight the spread of COVID-19 in Ghana and has outlined other measures.
According to him, from in Asuom, Akwatia, Asamankese, and Adeiso District will continue to petrol daily in day time and night to protect travelers and people at Home.
In an interview, (ACP) Mr. Akwasi Kankam Boadu, who was transferred from Western Region to Asamankese over two months now said he has held meetings with all police commanders in the Division as well as Chief Executives who are heads of Security council and deployed a task force to monitor activities ongoing to ensure there is social distancing in market places and lorry stations.
He said some people who tried to hold gathering were chased by the police recently but no arrest has been made so far and urged people in his division to abide by the restriction orders to curb the spread of the deadly disease.
ACP Kankam Boadu called on groups and philanthropists to support the police with Personal Protective Equipments and Temperature checking machine to be used at vantage points and reiterated the police commitment to ensure there are law and order.
Source: Mybrytfmonline/Kofi Atakora