The sudden death of a popular fetish Priest in Akyem Kukurantumi has sparked Coronavirus scare at his shrine.
The deceased fetish Priest -Togbe Shito died Monday at Akyem Tafo government hospital after a short illness. He was seen walking in Koforidua a few hours before he died creating fear that he may have died of coronavirus.
Other occupants of the shrine are therefore gripped with fear.
The deceased fetish priest was involved in many controversies and crimes at his shrine.
He was recently before a Circuit Court in Koforidua for molesting some contestants of the 2019 Miss Commonwealth Beauty Pageant.
He allegedly made his victims go naked at the shrine and lashed with a machete after Princess Duncan, the Chief Executive Officer of the Miss Commonwealth Pageant, organizer of the event, had allegedly dragged the beauty contestants to the shrine over a missing GH¢500.
Source: Mybrytfmonline/Obed Ansah