The Department of Gender under the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection with support from UNFPA Ghana has held a day’s workshop session for stakeholders on the National Framework and Toolkit for engaging Men and Boys on Gender Equality.
The workshop which was held on Thursday 6th July 2023 sought to;
- Enhance capacity and expertise of trainers so they can deliver high-quality training programmes on engaging Men and Boys on Gender Equality
- Deepen trainers’ knowledge and understanding on using the Framework and Toolkit in their training sections
- Enhance stakeholders work on engaging Men and Boys on Gender Equality
- Provide a uniform guide for engaging Men and Boys on Gender Equality among others.
In a welcome address read on behalf of the Chief Director for MoGCSP, the Director for the Department of Gender, Madam Faustina Acheampong indicated that achieving gender equality for a sustainable national development should fully engage men and boys as well.
‘ The effort to work with men and boys must be placed within the context of promoting gender equality’ she added.
Madam Faustina Acheampong therefore urged the stakeholders to take advantage of the session and build their capacities effectively inorder to help train others to engage men and boys in their various communities on Gender Equality using the National Framework and Toolkit.
Reading a statement on behalf of the UNFPA Deputy Representative, – Madam Emily Sandra Naphambo (PHD), the National Gender Analyst UNFPA, Madam Selena Owusu appealed to the Ministry to develop additional materials and tools that are tailored to the specific needs of men and boys for a holistic approach that accelerates national efforts.
In 2022, the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection engaged stakeholders to develop the National Framework and Toolkit for engaging Men and Boys on Gender Equality to advance gender equality and empowerment of women and girls in Ghana.
The Framework has been finalized and ready to be used for Sensitization. Nyarko Abronoma